The Sweet Spot
Igloo's terms and conditions

Nonrefundable: I understand that I am holding a spot. Suppose I cannot attend due to ANY REASON (Including covid 19). In that case, I understand that I can transfer it to a friend or family. Reservations for this event are NONREFUNDABLE / NON-RESCHEDULABLE.

Late Arrivals: If you arrive late, your session will be shortened to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours. We strongly encourage arriving 15 minutes early to mitigate delays related to travel and parking.

Weather: In case of inclement weather or other emergencies prevent us from offering the service, we will notify you before or on the day of the event. If we need to cancel, you will receive a full refund and are welcome to re-book. We understand that this may be a great inconvenience for you, but your safety is our top priority.

Liability: I understand and agree that I shall assume all damage to the property, equipment, fixtures, and lost items occurring in the rented period. Whatever the cause of such damage or casualty.

Outside food and beverage are not permitted in the igloo.

Smoking and vaping are not permitted in the igloo.

Igloos can accommodate up to 8 guests maximum.